Monday 9 April 2012


First off: new posts are on their way. I'm sure people are dying to know what I've been up to. Connectivity issues have slowed progress, but it is now 'in hand' (this is a phrase that I use and hear a lot now).

The blog has recieved a little 'sprucening up' over the last day or two. Yes, I have glued myself to the PC and learnt approximately 2.5% of all there is to know about HTML and CSS, but come out the otherside with a cleaner looking blog.

The best bit however, is that I finally got around to doing something about my online albums!! The Gallery link in the top right hand corner of the blog will now whisk you away to a neatly packaged online collection of photos.

My intentions had been to bundle the blog and albums into a single website with my own domain name, but given the heartache required to manipulated it so far, i'll leave that for a very rainy day! Also, I think you'd agree i've done a pretty decent job of aligning the look and feel of both sites.

Hope you enjoy :D

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