On saturday Scotland kindly reminded me why I love it so much! Here's the score:
Only a month or so ago I was trad climbing on dry rock. In fact, at the end of March i'd solo'd next to Fingers Ridge onto a dry plateau and down a very dry Fiaciall Ridge.
This is what May looks like...
So, despite a bit of a cold I met James and Robbie in the rapidly busying car park at about 9am (a start you can easily get away with when sunset is 21:30!) Lots of skiers about, I suppose it's only right they get some fun this winter too :)
A plan was hatched to go up Fiacaill Ridge onto the plateau then head towards Ben Macdui and muck about along the way. I'd had a image of an overcast miserable day in my head from looking at the forecast. Fortunately, it wasn't.
With not a great deal of effort, we plowed up the ridge until hitting the scramble section. Having done it in winter once, roped, and in descent in summer, I was keen to give it a go solo. Robbie didn't waste any time and was deliberately picking out the most difficult line, he probably could have made it grade IV if he wanted.
We found a nice little area to build a snowhole, which is something i've not done before so we set to work. Well, when I say we, I mean mostly James and Robbie. It was t-shirt weather if you can believe it! "Should have brought the suncream" says Robbie. Oh god, how I wish I'd taken that statement on board!
A little bigger me thinks |
Welcome to my abode.. |
Satisfied with our achievement and leaving it to some passers-by as a 'lunch tavern' we plodded on. We got just past Hell's Lum and saw the line of dots (ski laden dots I must add) heading to Macdui. Partly due to the cold, partly as I knew my legs would hurt I suggested we didn't go all the way to Macdui. I'm slightly annoyed at myself for not pushing it a little bit, but ultimately we made it back in time for tea, so we were winning in the end.
All round a successful day, not a great deal of mileage but some lessons learnt.
- Snowhole 101: don't reach for things that burst through the ceiling
- No matter how many times you walk that circuit, feet always ache
- Sun + Snow = extreme UV. Sunglasses don't protect face.
This looks good |
As always, click any of the above photos to access the album for a photo-by-photo account of the day.